about TrishaI am the Central Park JoggerTrisha Meili SpeakingTestimonials about Trisha Meilicontact Trisha Meiliresources


July 2012

Achilles Athlete of the Month



June 22, 2012

WillGottaRun interview with Will Sanchez



July 24, 2009

Madison, Wisconsin Channel 27 News



June, 2009

Runner's World: Moving Forward - The Central Park Jogger Runs Strong Two Decades Later
   (web article)   (PDF)



June 26, 2009

FOX News Good Day New York with Reid Lamberty



April 20, 2009

Today Show with Meredith Viera


The Leonard Lopate Show (WNYC Radio)


New York Times: "Central Park Jogger Still Running 20 Years Later"


FOXNews Article: "20 Years After the Attack, 'Central Park Jogger' Offers Hope"


BrainLine Article: "Going the Distance"



April 19, 2009

New York Daily News Opinion Piece: "A Triumph Over Tragedy"



April 17, 2009

FOXNews with Dr. Manny


Better TV



April 15, 2009

Central Park Jogger shares story to help others (Reuters)



April 16, 2008

Mondale & Jones on WCCO. Radio interview with Susie Jones.



February 27, 2008

The Journal News (Westchester, NY paper) entitled: "The Central Park Jogger Helping Others Transform Adversity"



June 24, 2007

WCBS interview with Trisha about the 5th Annual Achilles Hope & Possibility 5 Mile Race in Central Park.



January 25, 2007

The BBC World Service Outlook Program



August 6, 2006

CBS interview with Cindy Hsu about 4th Annual Hope & Possibility 5 Mile Race



May 31, 2006

Katie Couric's last Today Show



August 26, 2005

Midmorning Show with Kerri Miller, Minnesota Public Radio



June 28, 2005

USA Today article entitled: "There's a Recipe for Resilience"



April 13, 2004

The Early Show interview with Harry Smith

(text and video)


April 30, 2003

The Early Show interview with Harry Smith
Trisha with Harry Smith

(text and video)


April 23, 2003

Larry King Live interview
Trisha with Larry King

(text and video)


April 15, 2003

Diane Rehm Show interview
Trisha with Diane Rehm



April 9, 2003

The Leonard Lopate Show interview (WNYC)
Trisha with Leonard Lopate



April 6, 2003

Katie Couric Special

(text and video)

NPR's Madeleine Brand interview
Trisha with Madeleine Brand



For additional information about interviews, please contact:
Erin Cox
Publicity Manager
Simon & Schuster, Inc.
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY  10020